Bringing Families Together for Life
Adoption Assistance Agency
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Pregnant? You are not alone.
Adoption Assistance Agency offers pregnancy counseling, birthing support, housing options, access to a caseworker 24 hours/day 7 days/week under complete confidentiality. We are here with resources to help you consider your options… no pressure at any point.

Becoming Adoptive Parents
The adoption process is not for the weak-hearted. Being motivated by the proper things, which are the desires to nurture, train, love, correct and protect a child also help with weathering the process and make the wait worthwhile for parent and child alike.

Why adoption?
Parenting, whether it is with biological children or adopted children will teach you, grow you, stretch you, bless you and challenge you in ways that nothing else in life will. It is not to be taken lightly nor is it to be feared. However, it is really wise to make sure that it is the right thing for you and at the right time in your lives.